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Table 1 Categorization of the analyzed components – examples of patients’ statements in the KILEN consumer reports 1

From: Experiences from consumer reports on psychiatric adverse drug reactions with antidepressant medication: a qualitative study of reports to a consumer association

Meaning unit

Condensed meaning unit



“Difficulties concentrating at work, having suicidal thoughts.”

Patient experienced suicidal thoughts.

Experiences of drug treatment

Severe psychiatric adverse reactions

“And when the death wish comes, I become so afraid that I start again.”

Patient experienced feelings of wanting to die when trying to end medication.


Discontinuation symptoms

“When I first started taking it I received NO [sic!] warnings of adverse drug reactions.”

Patient received no warnings of side effects from the doctor.

Lack of communication


“Decided that after three years of ‘chemical terror’ to discontinue, WITHOUT [sic!] doctor’s approval.”

Patients decided to end drug treatment without telling the doctor.

Trust and distrust

  1. 1 Categorization according to Graneheim & Lundman (2004).