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Table 3 Developmental toxicology endpoints

From: Translational toxicology: a developmental focus for integrated research strategies


Methods of measurement

General growth, morphology of body regions, organs and tissues

Classical teratology

Organization of organs & tissues

Microscopic veterinary or human pathology

Cellular composition of tissues

Relative composition of major cell types; histopathology, histochemistry, histomorphometry

Finer cellular and tissue profiles

Tissue content of stem cells and progenitor cells; inflammatory/migratory cell populations; extracellular matrix/ cell matrix interactions; assess cell cycle kinetics, critical cellular process (e.g., apoptosis and autophagy)

Molecular changes within cells

DNA, RNA, proteins (including processing, turnover, etc.), lipids and glycosylation; genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, microRNAs/siRNAs

"Accessible" or "translatable" (can be used in lab models and in humans) biomarkers

- Imaging (ultrasound, MRI, CT, etc.)

- Functional assessments (behavior, treadmill, learning, cognition, renal function studies, lung function studies, grip strength, etc.)

- Tissue biopsies, male and female gametes/follicular fluid; amniotic fluid; blood, urine

- Routine chemistries, hematology,

- Circulating cells (e.g., bone marrow stem cells, leukocytes, other stem/progenitor cells)

Biomolecules in blood plasma, urine including macromolecules, small molecules

- Specific assays for individual molecules

- "Broad Net" approaches of proteomics, metabolomics, siRNAs, etc.

Integrative Physiology/Systems Biology

Multiple opportunities to link in vitro and animal models to humans and to use mathematical models to dynamically integrate multiple biological parameters