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Table 1 Profiles of participants in 13 selected hospitals in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

From: Knowledge and beliefs on antimicrobial resistance among physicians and nurses in hospitals in Amhara Region, Ethiopia


Senior physicians (n = 37)

GP (N = 138)

Nurses (n = 210)

Total (n = 385)


N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Work place


 Public only

13 (35.2)

124 (89.9)

171 (81.4)

308 (80)

 Private only

12 (32.4)


36 (17.1)

48 (12.5)

 Both in Public and Private

12 (32.4)

14 (10.1)

3 (1.5)

29 (7.5)

Hospital department



11 (29.7)

58 (42)

75 (35.7)

144 (37.4)


15 (40.5)

37 (26.8)

54 (25.7)

106 (27.5)


3 (8.1)

20 (14.5)

45 (21.4)

71 (18.4)


7 (18.9)

13 (9.4)

15 (7.1)

35 (9.0)

 Rotation (among wards)


10 (7.2)

21 (10)

31 (8.0)

Training attended on AMR

15 (40.5)

12 (8.7)

9 (4.3)

36 (9.3)

Exposure of using AST results

20 (53.1)

64 (46.4)

48 (22.8)

132 (34.3)

Source of information



15 (40.5)

46 (33.3)

15 (7.1)

76 (19.7)


6 (16.2)

7 (5)


13 (3.4)


7 (18.9)

4 (2.9)


11 (2.8)

School course and workshops

4 (10.8)

40 (28.9%)

51 (24.4)

95 (24.6)

 Lack of up- to -date information

5 (13.5)

41 (29.7)

144 (68.5)

190 (49.3)

  1. Key: GP: General Practitioner Medical Doctors.
  2. Senior physicians: Medical doctors with specializations.