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Table 3 EQ-5D utility values by model health state

From: The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: systematic review, network meta-analysis and health economic evaluation

Model health state

EQ-5D (SD)

Unprogressed IPF (corresponds with an FVC ~72%)

0.80 (0.20)

Progressed IPF (corresponds with an FVC ~59%)

0.74 (0.19)

Lung transplant


0-6 months after transplant

0.71 (0.38)

7-18 months after transplant

0.72 (0.31)

19-36 months after transplant

0.70 (0.33)

>36 months after transplant

0.68 (0.38)

Acute exacerbation decrement

0.20 (not available)