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Table 2 Dosage plan for clonidine

From: The use of clonidine in elderly patients with delirium; pharmacokinetics and hemodynamic responses




Day 1 Loading doses

Systolic BPa must be > 120 mmHg at inclusion (i.e. before the first loading dose). For any of the subsequent loading doses: If systolic BP is < 100 mmHg, HRb < 50 beats/min, or if RASSc is − 3 or less no more study medication will be given until the planned maintenance dose the next morning. If RASS is − 2, the treating physician has to assess if study medication will be given or not

75 μg every 3rd hour until maximum 4 doses, (e.g.: at 2, 5, 8 and 11 pm)

Day 2–7 Maintenance doses

If systolic BP is < 100 mmHg, HR < 50 beats/min, or if RASS is − 3 or less just before a planned dose, no study medication will be given until the next planned dose 12 h later. If RASS is − 2, the treating physician has to assess if study medication will be given or not

75 μg BIDd, at 8–9 am and 8–9 pm

  1. aBP = blood pressure
  2. bHR = heart rate
  3. cRASS = Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale
  4. dBID = bis in die (i.e. twice a day)