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Table 2 PK parameters (non-compartmental analysis) of landiolol and its metabolites during 60 min infusion on top of continuous dobutamine infusion in healthy volunteers of European ancestry (n = 16)

From: Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic behavior of landiolol during dobutamine challenge in healthy adults






Cmax (ng · ml− 1)

geo mean (SD)

188 (1.20)

738 (1.16)

30 (1.30)

[95% CI]

[170, 208]

[681, 799]

[26, 35]

tmax (min)






[12, 60]

[60, 72]

[90, 180]

AUC0-t (ng · hr. · ml−1)

geo mean (SD)

160 (1.18)

1710 (1.34)

82 (1.93)

[95% CI]

[147, 175]

[1460, 2000]

[58, 117]

AUC0-∞ (ng · hr. · ml−1)

geo mean (SD)

162 (1.17)

1920 (1.26)

203 (1.58)

[95% CI]

[148, 176]

[1700, 2180]

[143, 289]

t1/2 (min)

geo mean (SD)

3.5 (1.15)

98 (1.25)

220 (1.87)

[95% CI]

[3.2, 3.7]

[87, 110]

[130, 350]

λz (min−1)

geo mean (SD)

0.20 (1.15)

0.0071 (1.25)

0.0032 (1.87)

[95% CI]

[0.19, 0.22]

[0.0063, 0.0080]

[0.0020, 0.0052]

CL (ml · kg−1 · min−1)

geo mean (SD)

62 (1.17)

5.2 (1.26)

49.2 (1.58)

[95% CI]

[57, 67]

[4.58, 5.9]

[34.6, 69.8]

VD (ml · kg−1)

geo mean (SD)

309 (1.28)

733 (1.15)

15,300 (1.41)

[95% CI]

[271, 352]

[679, 791]

[11,800, 20,000]

  1. Cmax Maximum blood concentration, tmax Time until maximum blood concentration, AUC0-t Area under the blood concentration-time curve from start of administration to the last measurable concentration estimate, AUC0-∞ Area under the blood concentration-time curve from start of administration to infinity, λz Terminal elimination rate constant, t1/2 Elimination half-life during the terminal phase, CL Total body clearance, VD Volume of distribution, SD Standard deviation, 95% CI 95% confidence interval