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Table 1 Predicted toxicities and toxicity risk for 90 compounds performed by ADMET Predictor software. ADMET Predictor identifier of each toxicity is mentioned in the parenthesis (see abbreviation list). In particular, Tox_hERG_Filter is a qualitative estimation of the affinity to the hERG potassium channel in human and Tox_hERG is the affinity to the hERG potassium channel in human expressed as pIC50 in mol/L. Compounds with an IC50 less than or equal to 10 μmol/L were labeled Toxic (T, red), while those greater than 10 μmol/L are considered non-toxic (NT, green). Human liver adverse effect (the likelihood of causing elevation in the levels of AlkPhos, GGT, LDH, AST amd ALT enzymes) is also summarized in the hepatotoxicity section and color coded as EL (Elevated, red), NL (Normal, green). Other toxicity assessments are mentioned as Skin sensitivity, Respiratory sensitivity, Reproductive toxicity, Phospholipidosis, Chromosome aberration, Estrogen and AndrogenToxicity and Max_RTD (Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose). The abbreviations used are Nonsensitive (NS, green), Sensitive (S, red), EL (Elevated, red), NL (Normal, green), T (Toxic) and NT (Nontoxic). Toxicity risk (possible range 0–7) is the risk connected with predicted toxicity problems a compound might have. Toxicity risk less than 2 is considered as safe (green). Check rules and abbreviations for TOX_Risk and ToX_Code in the risk section for the codes. MV stands for MISSING_VALUE in ADMET predictor and color coded in yellow

From: Computational determination of toxicity risks associated with a selection of approved drugs having demonstrated activity against COVID-19