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Table 3 WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators overall and in the different categories of pharmacies

From: WHO/INRUD Core drug use indicators and commonly prescribed medicines: a National Survey from Sri Lanka

Prescribing Indicator (WHO recommended standard)

Mean ± SD (Median; Range) / Number (%)


Privately owned

State owned (‘Rajya Osusala’ – SPC)

SPC Franchisee

Prescribing Indicators

 1. Average medicines per encounter (1.6–1.8)

3.1 ± 1.9 (3; 1–12)

2.9 ± 1.7 (3; 1–11)a

3.6 ± 2.2 (3; 1–11)a

3.1 ± 1.9 (3; 1–12)a

 2. Encounters with an antibiotic (%) (20–26.8%)

553 (23.8)

287 (27.1)b

84 (15.0)ab

182 (25.6)a

 3. Encounters with an injection (%) (13.4–24.1%)

29 (1.2)

19 (1.8)a

6 (1.1)

4 (0.6)a

 4. Medicines prescribed in generic name (%) (100%)

2579 (35.5)

980 (32.4)b

819 (40.6)ba

780 (35.2)a

 5. Medicines prescribed from EML (%) (100%)

4991 (68.8)

2099 (69.5)

1368 (67.8)

1524 (68.7)

Patient-care Indicators

1. Medicines actually dispensed (100%)

6701 (92.4)

2824 (93.5)a

1811 (89.8)ab

2066 (93.2)b

2. Medicines accurately labelled (100%)

6600 (98.5)

2758 (97.7)

1800 (99.4)

2042 (98.8)

  1. ab − values in a row with same symbols are significantly different from one another, EML Essential medicines list, SD Standard deviation, SPC State Pharmaceutical Corporation