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Table 1 The mean levels of complete blood count (CBC) in different studied groups

From: Intratesticular versus intraperitoneal injection of Busulfan for the induction of azoospermia in a rat model







PCV (%)

42 ± 1.36a

21.8 ± 1.62b

26 ± 0.31c

42.4 ± 0.6a

Hgb (g/dl)

13.6 ± 0.45a

7.8 ± 0.55b

8.75 ± 0.38b

13.98 ± 0.28a

RBC (×106/μL)

7.85 ± 0.31a

3.41 ± 0.13b

4.08 ± 0.17b

6.4 ± 0.43c

Reticulocytes (%)

2.36 ± 0.52a

6.5 ± 0.99b

0.8 ± 0.05c

2.14 ± 0.39a

WBC (× 103/μL)

10.80 ± 0.47a

4.33 ± 0.2b

2.24 ± 0.26c

6.18 ± 0.22d

Lymphocytes (× 103/μL)

7.14 ± 0.51a

4.49 ± 0.23b

2.09 ± 0.31c

4.6 ± 0.27b

Neutrophils (× 103/μL)

3.5 ± 0.15a

0.33 ± 0.01b

0.22 ± 0.06b

1.03 ± 0.12c

Monocytes (× 103/μL)

0.19 ± 0.06ac

0.1 ± 0.01a

0.03 ± 0.008ab

0.28 ± 0.07c

Eosinophils (× 103/μL)

0.02 ± 0.03ab

0.01 ± 0.009a

0.01 ± 0.007a

0.18 ± 0.05b


1.76 ± 0.25a

1.38 ± 0.09a

1.78 ± 0.34a

1.39 ± 0.16a

  1. Data are presented as means ± SEM. I, negative control group (n = 8); II, intraperitoneal (IP) 10 mg/kg Busulfan injection group (n = 5); III, intraperitoneal (IP) 40 mg/kg busulfan injection group (n = 5); IV, intratesticular (IT) 5 mg/kg/side Busulfan injection group (n = 8); PCV packed cell volume, Hgb Haemoglubin, RBC Red blood cells, M/E Myeloid/erythroid ratio. Different letters (a, b, and c) within a column denote statistically significant differences between groups