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Table 2 Statistical results of pharmacokinetic parameters of oseltamivir

From: Oseltamivir phosphate for suspension is bioequivalent to TAMIFLU in healthy volunteers: a randomized, open-label clinical study


Fasting group

Fed group

Parameter (unit)

Mean ± SD(%CV) (N)

Mean ± SD(%CV) (N)

Reference product

Test product

Reference product

Test product

*Tmax (h)

1.50(0.25,3.50) (39)

1.25(0.25,3.00) (39)

1.25(0.25,4.00) (39)

1.25(0.25,4.00) (39)

Cmax (ng/mL)

49.4051 ± 16.9687(34.35) (39)

48.7872 ± 17.7706(36.42) (39)

43.8615 ± 14.8930(33.95) (39)

44.1590 ± 16.9627(38.41) (39)


151.8912 ± 31.3853(20.66) (39)

147.8547 ± 33.8070(22.87) (39)

164.6864 ± 37.1978(22.59) (39)

160.5601 ± 34.3109(21.37) (38)


156.0173 ± 32.0316(20.53) (39)

152.2639 ± 34.8439(22.88) (39)

172.0658 ± 39.0278(22.68) (39)

169.8901 ± 35.6103(20.96) (38)


2.66 ± 1.72(64.89) (39)

2.89 ± 1.53(52.88) (39)

4.16 ± 3.02(72.68) (39)

5.41 ± 5.08(93.96) (38)


0.2716 ± 0.1287(47.38) (39)

0.2436 ± 0.1115(45.76) (39)

0.1884 ± 0.1219(64.72) (39)

0.1735 ± 0.1158(66.74) (38)

t1/2 (h)

3.34 ± 2.20(65.81) (39)

3.67 ± 2.15(58.52) (39)

6.18 ± 5.22(84.47) (39)

7.23 ± 6.41(88.69) (38)


502.6043 ± 113.2300(22.53) (39)

517.4635 ± 115.6803(22.36) (39)

456.4798 ± 97.2214(21.30) (39)

458.7121 ± 87.8661(19.15) (38)


2340.3764 ± 1432.7326(61.22) (39)

2628.4024 ± 1328.3567(50.54) (39)

3804.2724 ± 2984.5745(78.45) (39)

4627.3801 ± 4130.8730(89.27) (38)

  1. Tmax Time to reach maximum concentration, CV(%) Coefficient of variation, Intraindividual variation, Cmax Maximum plasma concentration, AUC0-t Area under the plasma concentration–time curve from time 0 to last time Concentration, AUC0-∞ Area under the plasma concentration–time curve from time zero extrapolated to infinite time, %AUCex Percentage of AUC0-∞ obtained by extrapolation, λz Elimination rate constant, t1/2 Elimination halflife, CL/F Apparent clearance, Vd/F Apparent volume of distribution, Data are Mean ± SD, except *Tmax represent the median (minimum–maximum)