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Table 1 Categories of error types used in this study[15]

From: Medication errors related to transdermal opioid patches: lessons from a regional incident reporting system




Administration and monitoring

Decision making



- Allergy

- Allergy information

- Ambiguous information on label

- Contamination


- Incompatibility errors

- Calculation error

- Decimal place error

- Incompatibility errors

- Extra dose

- Interaction drug and disease

- Ambiguous drug name

- Contamination

- Lack of control of patient identity


- Expired drug


- Interaction between drug and laboratory test

- Ambiguous drug prescription

- Omission of dose

- Omission of dose

- Drug to drug interaction

- P.r.n. prescription without a maximum limit

- Omission of documentation of drug dispensing

- Lack of documentation of the drug administration

- Extra drug

- P.r.n. prescription without a minimum dose interval

- Omission of control of the drug prescription

- Lack of control of agreement between administered drug and prescribed drug

- Omission of a drug prescription


- Wrong concentration

- Omission of indication for treatment including p.r.n.prescriptions

- Substitution error

- Unordered drug

- Wrong drug form

- Unordered drug

- Wrong dose

- Wrong dose


- Unordered electrolyte

- Wrong patient

- Wrong dosing interval


- Wrong concentration

- Wrong dosing interval

- Wrong drug


- Illegible handwriting

- Wrong drug form

- Wrong rate

- Wrong route of administration

- Omission of rate of infusion

- Wrong dose

- Wrong route of administration

- Wrong duration of treatment

- Discrepancy between dose intervals

- Extra dose

- Wrong technique

- Wrong strength/unit


- Wrong strength per unit

- Wrong time

- Omission of ordering laboratory tests

- Discrepancy between indication of dose

- Wrong dilution fluid

- Omission of documentation of side-effects of the drug treatment


- Wrong transcription

  1. The error types are listed from left to right in the order of the medication process.