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Table 2 Description of information collected for all ionic currents

From: a curated resource for data describing chemical triggered in vitro cardiac ion channels inhibition

Parameter name [unit]

Ionic current






channel type





For the cell lines heterologously expressing channel subunits: name of the gene encoding expressed subunits or name of expressed channel and its origin (r-rat; h-human)

in vitro cell model





Cell line used for channel subunits expression or cardiomyocytes origin (e.g. HEK, XO, guinea pig VM)

stimulation frequency [Hz]





Number of current provoking pulses delivered every second expressed in Hz

transfection type





Mode of channel expression in heterologous system (stable or transient)

temperature [0C]





Temperature maintained during experiment






Technique used for current recordings

Ca2+ bath [mM]





Calcium ion concentration in the bath solution

K+ bath [mM]





Potassium ion concentration in the bath solution

Na+ bath [mM]





Sodium ion concentration in the bath solution

t1 pulse [ms]





Duration of first pulse in the step-protocol

t2 pulse [ms]





Duration of second pulse in the step-protocol

holding potential [mV]





The starting membrane voltage level

depolarization potential [mV]





Voltage of membrane depolarizing impulse

repolarization potential [mV]





Voltage of membrane repolarizing impulse

measurement potential [mV]





Membrane voltage level during current amplitude measurement






Type of voltage protocol applied to elicit current (e.g. step, AP, ramp)

data source





First author name and publication year






PubMed Unique Identifier, a unique number assigned to each PubMed record

IC50 [μM]





The concentration of compound that results in 50% inhibition of current in micromolar






Additional information e.g. alternative naming, denotation of smiles and/or IUPAC name source if not PubChem; source of uncertainty

  1. Where: "+” – parameter present in the record description; "-” – parameter absent in the record description.