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Table 3 Effect of Imidacloprid on histomorphometry in neonatal male rats

From: Determination of biochemical and histopathological changes on testicular and epididymis tissues induced by exposure to insecticide Imidacloprid during postnatal development in rats


Seminiferous tubule diameter(µm)

Tubular lumen diameter(µm)

Epithelial height(µm)

C (0 mg/kg)

99.71 ± 2.67

38.04 ± 1.10

21.54 ± 0.32

G1 (1 mg/kg)

89.23 ± 2.14 a**

47.06 ± 1.99a**

20.62 ± 0.25

G2 (5 mg/kg)

77.38 ± 1.81ab***

49.09 ± 1.98a***

18.92 ± 0.30ab***

G3 (10 mg/kg)

74.82 ± 1.34 ab***

72.27 ± 2.61abc***

17.70 ± 0.30ab***c*

Caput Epididymis


Duct diameter (µm)

Lumen diameter (µm)

Epithelial height (µm)

C (0 mg/kg)

64.17 ± 2.72

56.90 ± 1.55

17.65 ± 0.21

G1 (1 mg/kg)

54.12 ± 2.97

44.69 ± 1.45a***

14.94 ± 0.34a***

G2 (5 mg/kg)

57.43 ± 3.10

47.97 ± 1.35a***

13.62 ± 0.27a***b**

G3 (10 mg/kg)

59.19 ± 2.82

37.90 ± 1.16ac***b**

13.32 ± 0.30ab***

Cauda Epididymis


Duct diameter (µm)

Lumen diameter (µm)

Epithelial height (µm)

C (0 mg/kg)

67.45 ± 3.19

30.68 ± 0.64

14.96 ± 0.44

G1 (1 mg/kg)

58.23 ± 3.42

28.12 ± 0.90

13.14 ± 0.43a***

G2 (5 mg/kg)

61.49 ± 3.14

27.16 ± 1.01a*

13.33 ± 0.41a***

G3 (10 mg/kg)

48.39 ± 1.51a***c**

22.59 ± 0.75ab***c**

12.97 ± 0.21a***

  1. *, **, *** indicate significant differences at probability values P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 compared to the control (ANOVA followed by Tukey's comparison test)
  2. a= vs control
  3. b = vs G1, c= vs G2